Tuesday, March 2, 2010

#1 Locksmith Pop-A-Lock: Pop-A-Lock Locksmith Minneapolis, MN

#1 Locksmith Pop-A-Lock: Pop-A-Lock Locksmith Minneapolis, MN
Pop-A-Lock Locksmith Locator Application for Iphone!

Pop-A-Lock is continually striving to improve service levels. One of the most important performance metrics that we track is arrival time promised and arrival time met. This is referred to as ATA or Actual Time of Arrival.

There are many factors that can affect ATA, for example a major car accident during rush hour. However, we are always searching for ways to minimize the affects of unexpected problems through more efficient staffing, zone management, navigational aids and of course communication.

One tool that we believe will assist us with providing the most accurate information possible is our new Pop-A-Lock Locksmith Locator Smart Phone Application system. This system is currently available for Free through I-tunes for the Apple Iphone. The locator will be available soon for Blackberry and Android platforms as well.

How does the Iphone help us to provide better locksmith service? The answer is simple, when a customer contacts Pop-A-Lock Locksmith through the Iphone application, the customers exact GPS latitude and longitude are sent to us electronically. This information is processed through a heads up navigational dispatch display to ensure that the nearest locksmith or technician is dispatched to perform service.

This GPS location is also very useful when a customer is in a large parking facility such as a mall, sports stadium, college campus or other similar conditions. The GPS coordinates allow us to pin point the location of the locksmith customer with amazing precision.

Pop-A-Locks use of this Iphone and smart phone technology saves time in at every level from initial contact, taking of call information, selection and dispatch of technician, location of the customer onsite and thanks to electronic locksmith knowledge management system, the jobs themselves go much smoother.

This system is being fielded nationwide right now! One of the leaders in our Pop-A-Lock franchise system, Pop-A-Lock Locksmith of Minneapolis, MN has fully embraced the system. The city of Houston and surrounding areas is a giant geographical area, that requires dozens of locksmiths, car door unlocking technicians, road service technicians, managers and dispatchers to support and maintain. The Pop-A-Lock Locksmith Locator application is assisting Houston Locksmith customers get better service, faster and with less difficulty.

Pop-A-Lock is proud to be a technology leader in the locksmith industry. Pop-A-Lock has continued to grow and evolve with their customers needs. With the advent of Airbags, new vehicle design improvements, electronic and keyless equipped vehicles Pop-A-Lock has invested in the technology and training to take care of customers who need assistance with these high tech systems.

From safe, damage free openings and lock outs to replacement of lost and duplicate High Security keys, programming of Electronic Transponder Chips keys, Remote Locks systems and Keyless vehicles, Pop-A-Lock locksmith can take care of your needs. With the adoption of the Locksmith Locator Smart Phone systems, we can meet your needs faster, more professionally and with greater precision.

You can download a free copy of the Pop-A-Lock Locksmith Locator application by visiting the Itunes store and searching for "Locksmith" or directly from any of the Pop-A-Lock websites.

Please visit www.popalock.com for more information or to order service!