Friday, December 5, 2008

Picking and bumping

No it is not what you do when playing an instrument. I am referring to a couple of techniques that are used to open a lock without your key. The fact is it is incredibly easy to pick the average lock found on most homes today. Did you know that the locks found on most U.S. homes are banned in Europe? They knew what a lot of people in the U.S. are starting to know. Standard pin locks are not as secure as we think they are.

In some areas of the country Bumping is an epidemic. With the advent of Youtub your average thug can learn how to make a bump key in 15 minutes and the worse part is he can learn to use it in as little as 5 minutes.

To illustrate my point, last year I was in a group of business owners telling them about the bump key epidemic. I took 5 minutes to show them how bumping works and then I passed around a lock and a bump key to see if they could get it open. Over 60% of the people or 15 out of 25 people in the room was able to open the lock in less than a minute. Let me just say that everyone in the room was a believer.

In the next post I will talk about Picking and cover some of the things you can do to make your house bump and pick resistant

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